Mr. Brumleys Winters Nap
Written by Chinua Hawk
Ilustrated by Tanya Matiikiv
Mr. Brumleys Winter’s Nap
Available for purchase now!
once upon a time…
Tucked away in his warm and cozy little cabin in the woods, all Mr. Brumley the bear wants to do is settle in for his long winter's nap. However, someone keeps knocking on his door and disturbing his rest, and poor Mr. Brumley has no idea who it is.
About The Author
Chinua Hawk is a multi-faceted artist who loves all things creative. He is an award-winning singer-songwriter and voice over artist. He is an uncle to twenty-seven nieces and nephews who are the inspiration for this first book in the Mr. Brumley series. His main goal is to always find a way to add a little light to what can sometimes feel like a very dark world.